Are you bored with your business workflow and want to increase your employee’s productivity? Then, we have a solution for you!

Work on your company newsletter!

Let us tell you that this solution is worth it and effective in increasing employee engagement, productivity, and the sharing of company news.

Also, you are not alone in trying to optimize the energy and motivation at your workplace.

But what if you are out of company newsletter ideas?

Don’t worry! Benefit from the examples and company newsletter ideas we’ve provided below in this blog post to create a credible and powerful identity and enhance the quality of your intra-communication and company newsletter content.

Why are company newsletters are still so important?

Do you know that due to poor internal communication, 74% of employees feel that they are not receiving important company news and information?

You must not want this number of your employees to feel left out! right? Thus, a company newsletter is important as it is an effective way to reach a large audience with important information with minimal effort.

However, there are many other reasons that make the company newsletter so important such as

  • It is a way to communicate with employees
  • It is a way to share in-house/ internal news
  • Promote the organization’s culture and rules
  • Educating and training employees
  • Inform regarding openings
  • Way to build trust between higher management and employees
  • Celebrate occasions, milestones, achievements
  • Strengthen your internal brand
  • Collecting feedback
  • Getting interests and information of employees
  • Education employees about the company’s policies

To design an amazing newsletter for your company, you must follow these tips below:

  • Establish certain goals for your newsletter.
  • Design an interesting newsletter.
  • A newsletter should be concise and precise.
  • Use a conversational tone.
  • Be regular in posting your newsletters
  • Get suggestions from your employees.

The best 20 company newsletter ideas and examples you need to try today!

If you’re looking for good company newsletter examples and ideas to keep your employees and team motivated, energetic, and engaged, then no worries, we’ve got you covered. The company’s internal newsletter ideas vary according to the number of employees it has, the type of business, and the company’s culture.

Here are some top company newsletter ideas based on newsletter email examples:

Business Newsletter Ideas and Examples

One of the best and most effective company newsletter ideas is to inform your employees about everything about the company and keep them posted. It is the finest method to demonstrate that the business values its employees and isn’t keeping any secrets.

How this newsletter works:

  • Begin with a company vision and get straight to the purpose.
  • Give details about the changes you want to tell your readers
  • Use a simple and professional layout

In these kinds of newsletters, you have to create a simple but creative design and share any news about updates, policies, or any important announcements with employees.

Email newsletter Sample

ICP sharing news in a newsletter

Introducing products, models, and services

You should always inform your team and employees about your latest products, services, and models to keep everyone up-to-date. This will create a sense of excitement and enthusiasm among your team and employees and increase productivity in their work.

How this newsletter works:

  • Have a descriptive text
  • The purpose is to educate and inform employees about new products and services
  • Use real product or technology images to be engaging
  • Stylish and professional layout
Introducing new interior products

Share the company’s success journey

To inspire and motivate your workforce and make an impression, discussing your path, struggles, and successes is vital. New employees should be aware of the company’s history, mission, vision, and goals in addition to their employment role and responsibilities.

For a newsletter to share the success journey, it must unfold all the challenges, efforts, hurdles, etc. with the readers to emotionally attach the employees to the company. Moreover, you can talk about your success, your strategies, your user base, your projects, your competitors, and how you are different and popular. If you have extended the business to multiple locations, you can talk about those. The main idea is to motivate and emotionally bind the employees so they can be honest with their work.

How this newsletter works:

  • Let the statistics, product, client-featured images, etc speak for you
  • Highlight the success
  • Give details about the changes you want to tell your readers
  • Use Signature and professional layout

Message from CEO and Higher Management

The workplace newsletter can be used to facilitate communication between upper management and employees. Since top management is constantly accessible and connected in this way, employees find it instructive and inspiring. A message from senior management promotes communication and transparency and boosts the self-confidence and morale of the workforce.

How this newsletter works:

  • Professional Tone
  • Visually engaging elements
  • Highlight the message of the CEO
  • Add motivational quotes at the end
  • Use Signature and professional layout
Codex corporation newsletter from CEO

Industry News, Researches, Press Releases

The internal company newsletter and email newsletters should not be only about perks and communications. They should also provide some press releases, and the latest news in the industry to give your team insights on the latest market trends and keep them up-to-date so they can make efforts to follow those trends and ultimately grow your business. Therefore, by sending an email in advance, you can keep your staff updated.

How this newsletter works:

  • Spotlight the latest and timely news
  • Use statistics to define the intensity of authenticity
  • Highlight the elements that can be beneficial for your company
  • Use a formal tone and professional layout
EcommerceDB shared finance report

Showcasing Company Milestones

Every business is managed by a team, employees, and upper management, all of whom have a stake in the company’s success and play significant roles in attaining the organization’s objectives. Sending a business newsletter email to highlight the success the company reached as a result of the team’s hard work would keep all of the personnel inspired and motivated.

You can showcase your company’s achievements, such as:

  • Share the modules that were technical and they are done
  • Achieved big clients for your business
  • The user base got bigger
  • Launch of services and tools

and so on.

How this newsletter works:

  • Let the engaging milestone image speak for you
  • Highlight the success
  • Use beautiful yet professional layout
  • Use conversation tone
  • Add thank you not for all of the internal staff and employees

Employee Newsletter Content Ideas

Sharing Employee Achievements

Who doesn’t enjoy being recognized? Everyone works hard, and acknowledging and praising one’s efforts is the most important thing in a workplace. With newsletters, you have the opportunity to inform other team members and develop competition among them so that their efforts will be noticed.

Pro Tip: Don’t forget to also use employee engagement tools, like WorkTango, Mo, and Bonusly, to offer additional awards to staff like giving employees memorable gifts, such as personalized employee photo books, can further enrich these moments, creating lasting tokens of appreciation. Some employees may not want to be recognized through a newsletter, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t share the love in other ways!

How this newsletter works:

  • Add a good color scheme
  • Highlight the Employee Achievement
  • Use beautiful layout
  • Use conversation and a motivational tone
  • Use a large image of the employee


Employee of the month newsletter

Company’s benefits and services for the employees

Other than communication and opportunities, the internal newsletter must point out all of the benefits and perks available to employees, such as health benefits, vacations, employee assistance programs, paid time off, free snacks, and flexible work schedules. This will be helpful not only for the existing employees but for the new recruits too.

How this newsletter works:

  • Add a good color scheme
  • Spotlight the benefits
  • Add short text
  • Use beautiful layout
  • Use an engaging visual to define benefits
Company shared its employee benefits in an email

Career and Personality development opportunities

They say that learning never stops. You should spread personality and career development opportunities among your team members and staff, which can help them enhance and develop their communication, interpersonal, and leadership skills, which ultimately, leads to increased productivity, job satisfaction, and retention.

How this newsletter works:

  • Use clear subject line and header
  • Highlight the opportunities
  • Use professional layout
  • Add descriptive content
  • Use CTAs
Learning opportunity for employees

Job Openings

Spread the latest job postings among employees. Maybe someone has the hidden expertise to apply for all of those positions. Moreover, it will help the organization spread the job positions through internal staff.

How this newsletter works:

  • Use catchy subject line and header
  • Highlight the opportunities
  • Design a flyer inside a newsletter with an AI flyer generator
  • Use a professional and engaging layout
  • Add Call to Actions
Newsletter for job openings

Introducing New Hirings

You can use internal newsletters to welcome new recruits and introduce them to the company. Not everyone is always present in the office, so sending a newsletter is a good way to ensure that everyone gets to know the new team members. Also, having mentoring software in place would be really good for the successful onboarding of these new hires.

Pro Tip: Before sharing these kinds of newsletters, make sure the new employee knows about you, You can introduce yourself in an email if you are working remotely.

How this newsletter works:

  • Use minimal content
  • Spotlight new hires by using their images
  • Use a colorful and engaging layout
Introducing new hirings

Free resources for the employees

You can always use your newsletter as a source of information for your employees and tell them about the free resources, services, websites, and other helpful material that they can use to make their work effective. However, this is not limited to only work-related things. If your company has a free lunch service, you can spread the good news through your company’s internal newsletter.

How this newsletter works:

  • Highlight the resources in the header
  • Make engaging content
  • Design a flyer inside a newsletter
  • Use a professional and engaging layout

Sample Example:

Statista sharing free resources

Celebration of Events and Birthdays

Making employees feel appreciated by celebrating important dates like company anniversaries, events, and birthdays and featuring them in newsletters is an excellent way to make their special day memorable.

In this type of newsletter, you can also ask your employees if they know about anyone’s birthday let the team know so they can create a personalized birthday newsletter.

How this newsletter works:

  • Use catchy and attractive header
  • Highlight the event
  • Use engaging layout
  • Use visuals
  • Use bright colors and themes


Birthday celebration email design

Internal company newsletter ideas

Survey and Feedback

Ask freely from your employees about how they feel about the environment of the organization, policies, culture, remote settings, and much more. You can conduct surveys and ask for feedback in your internal newsletters. This increases transparency and gives employees a better understanding of how their fellow workers are feeling. Feedback is important to get insights into team relationships and to develop strategies.

How this newsletter works:

  • Use minimal content so readers can focus on the survey and feedback
  • Highlight the header
  • Use engaging layout
  • Use CTAs
  • Use strategies
  • Add visuals
Survey email template


Encourage your staff to share their interests, especially if they are recent hires, to show them they are a part of your work family. Make recommendations for books, restaurants, apps, games, movies, food, festivals, etc. in your company mailings. It will make them happy to join you, and they will feel important in your company, which can improve their productivity.

How this newsletter works:

  • Spotlight the header
  • Highlight the purpose
  • Use engaging layout
  • Use visuals
  • Add CTAs
Recommendations for employee interests

Cool Email Newsletters


Make your company newsletter engaging, not boring. To do so, try sharing different recipes and kitchen tips. You can also include a kitchen session where employees can freely share their favorite recipes or tips.

How this newsletter works:

  • Use catchy header
  • Use an engaging and stylish layout
  • Use visuals
  • Use bright colors and themes
  • Add links for readers

Fitness and healthy lifestyle tips

Your company newsletter can provide tips and exercises on living a healthy lifestyle, the importance of mental peace, so they can balance their work and personal lives and keep themselves healthy and fit.

How this newsletter works:

  • Use attractive header
  • Highlight the Purpose
  • Use engaging layout
  • Use visuals
  • Use bright colors and themes
  • Add links for readers
Healthy lifestyle tips

Fun Employee Newsletter Ideas

Memes and comics

Again, your newsletters must be engaging and appealing. You can use comics and memes to bring joy to your employees and make their day more enjoyable while they are at work.

How this newsletter works:

  • Use funny headers
  • Use an engaging and animated layout
  • Use bright visuals
  • Use bright colors and themes

Fun activities

Organize fun activities within the company, use newsletters for their promotion, and highlight the results. These fun activities can be anything: a challenge, a contest, a sports tournament, or a themed competition. To have real fun, celebrate the participation and reward the winner.

How this newsletter works:

  • Use a catchy and attractive header as well as the subject line
  • Highlight the activity
  • Use engaging layout
  • Visuals only will be enough
  • Use bright colors and themes
  • Add CTAs so readers can participate

Giveaways and Quizzes

Create quizzes and giveaways to ask your employees questions about the company, the industry, or anything else. Offer rewards to participants and winners.

How this newsletter works:

  • Use friendly header and subject line
  • Use engaging layout
  • Add visuals
  • Use bright colors and themes
  • Add CTAs
Giveaways in email

Catchy headers

It is thought that the more interesting the subject, the more likely it is to draw attention. The same is true for newsletters they need to have attractive headers to make employees want to open the email. Following are some tips for creating newsletter headers:

  • Use statistics to support your claim
  • Create eagerness
  • Spark the interest
  • Use a call to action
  • Use graphic visuals

Some newsletter header examples can be found as follows:

  • X Company made $10 million in profit learn how!
  • Hurry! Claim your benefits now
  • The top 10 things that are driving up sales.
  • Get a flat 30% off your first order, Sign-up now!
  • Make your business stand out in the market


That was all, folks!

We are sure that these company newsletter ideas and examples will boost your newsletter game. Let us tell you that your readers intentionally choose to sign up for your emails therefore, you have to carefully design your company newsletter emails and fill them with valuable and engaging content to boost the morale of your employees, establish better internal communication in an indirect way, and much more.


What are 5 elements of an effective newsletter?

To write effective emails, particularly company newsletters, the following elements should be considered:

  1. Target Audience: You must set a clear picture for your target audience. However, in the case of a business newsletter, the target audience is already known. You have to craft newsletter designs according to the type of company you have, and the workflow of the organization, and the interests of your audience.
  2. Content Value: The newsletters must have some significant value and the purpose to either educate, motivate, or create a sense of humor among your audience, as you don’t want to waste your and your audience’s time.
  3. Catchy Newsletter Header: Your newsletter subject line is the first thing that your audience will see therefore, it must be appealing to make your audience click and read it.
  4. Clear calls to action: Since your newsletter serves a purpose, it must conclude with the action you want your readers to take in response to the newsletter that was sent. To make it simple for your audience to take the action you want them to, you must include a link, form, or button for the call to action option.
  5. Engaging design: The newsletter design must have a highly welcoming layout and tone that are simple for everyone to understand. You can always use some templates to save time and ensure that your audience understands what you’re trying to say.

What is a good newsletter format?

A good newsletter is short, catchy, uses a single-column layout, and most importantly, is easy to understand. A newsletter can be said to be good if it has the following email format:

  • Catchy subject: The first thing your audience will see and decide whether to open it or not, thus the subject line must be catchy
  • Catchy header: When the readers open an email header gives them an idea about what the newsletter is about. Therefore the header must convey the relevant message related to your newsletter content.
  • Purposeful content: The content should be valuable as you are writing for your audience, not for yourself, make it engaging yet informative to make people additive people for your weekly or daily newsletter
  • Clean and professional layout: the layout must be clear and professional so the user can easily grasp what you are trying to say.
  • Graphics and visuals: To make it engaging, add visuals and graphics or short videos.
  • Call to Action: Your actions must be clear about what readers should do after reading your newsletter. For that, you have to provide actionable objects in the newsletter such as (links, buttons, forms, checkboxes, etc).
  • Conclusion: Always end your newsletter with a thankful note and a short conclusion.
  • Footer: Add your contact details, website links, and social media channels, if any of your readers want to go the extra mile to support and follow you.

What makes a newsletter attractive?

Your newsletter’s content purely makes it attractive, but there are many other factors that play an important role in making newsletters attractive:

Be clear and concise in your writing

  • Keep your newsletter concise and to the point.
  • Proofread your newsletter carefully before sending it.
  • Use a professional template or format.
  • Your purpose for writing must be clear.
  • You must be clear about your type of audience.
  • Use a variety of content, such as professional, industrial, formal, informal, fun, and employee-focused content.
  • Add graphics and visuals not entirely text.
  • Add a call to action to check if the readers are taking an interest or not.