The importance of data for business growth is undeniable, and as the need for data has increased, numerous web scraping services have surfaced. In general, you have few choices when building your application and need scraped data. Either to build your own web scraper, you will have to deal with proxies and parsers, keep maintaining and updating them, and many other issues that could pop up with each different website you are trying to scrape. Another choice is to find a reliable service that can get the job done at the best time and at a reasonable price.

The Scraper API of Crawlbase is a game-changer when it comes to web scraping. It is an easy-to-use API focused on automated data collection and web data parsing.

What is Structured Data?

Structured data forms the backbone of organized and easily interpretable information, playing an important role in various domains. Structured data refers to a collection of data in a structured format that facilitates easy storage, retrieval, and analysis. Unlike unstructured data, which lacks a predefined model, structured data adheres to a consistent schema, making it highly organized and interpretable by machines.

Examples of Structured Data and Its Applications:

#1: Relational Databases:

  • Example: SQL databases
  • Application: Storing and managing large datasets with well-defined relationships between entities, commonly used in business applications.

#2: JSON and XML Formats:

  • Example: JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
  • Application: Facilitating data interchange between systems, especially in web development for transmitting structured information.

#3: Markup Languages for Web Content:

  • Example: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
  • Application: Structuring web content for enhanced presentation and better search engine visibility.

#4: CSV Files:

  • Example: Comma-Separated Values
  • Application: Storing and exchanging tabular data, commonly used in spreadsheet applications and database imports/exports.

#5: Schema Markup:

  • Example:
  • Application: Enhancing the presentation of web content in search engine results, providing additional context for better understanding.

#6: Financial Transactions:

  • Example: Transaction records in banking systems
  • Application: Maintaining a structured record of financial transactions for accurate accounting and auditing purposes. For example, in the brewery business, having structured data is crucial for precise accounting in breweries, ensuring compliance with regulations, and efficient financial management, and the same applies to many other industries.

Why Choose Scraper API?

The API is focused on developers needs, you can have your application connected to the Scraper API in less than 5 minutes. Whether you prefer Curl, Ruby, Node, PHP, Python, Go, or any other language, the Scraper API can be easily implemented in your application. All of this comes with literally a 24/7 support team ready to assist you whenever needed.

The API is powered by one of the largest networks of proxies, enabling you to safely get hands-on scraped data without getting detected and banned, in addition to very smart and efficient machine learning algorithms enabling you not only to bypass those obstacles but also to deal with dynamic websites which requires javascript enabled browsers. Websites like Amazon, AliExpress, eBay, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and many others are within the grip of the Scraper API.

Pricing is very simple and without any hidden fees with no-long term contracts, where you can cancel your subscription at any time. Scraper API is a subscription-based API. The Starter package is only $29/month, the Advanced package is $79/month, and the Professional package is $149/ month. You can choose your package based on your project’s size and needs. For more details about each package, check the Scraper API pricing section.

How to Use Scraper API?

The Scraper API offers 1000 free requests, which will give you a chance to test the quality of the service before you commit to subscribe. You will receive a private token, in which all Scraper API requests must be authorized with. The Crawlbase Scraper API will go through the URL you want and will handle the whole process automatically. An example of the token usage with Ruby language:

require 'net/http'

uri = URI('')
uri.query = URI.encode_www_form({
url: ''})

res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)

puts "Response HTTP Status Code: #{res.code}"
puts "Scraped Data in JSON: #{res.body}"

You will have access to a dashboard page where you can easily monitor how your requests are performing daily, and the status of your current subscription, showing your total, remaining, and used credits.

You can select the geolocation of your requests from any country you desire. You can simply use the &country= parameter, like &country=US (two-character country code). Rending javascript in real chromes browsers is available, all you have to do is to use the &javascript=true parameter.

The response you will get to your requests of the Scraper API is a JSON response. This object contains the scraped data and other detailed information about the status of your request with all the detailed information, mainly the scraped data of the page you requested and information about the status of your request and the number of remaining requests in your subscription plan.

The Scraper API uses a generic AI scraper for websites that have no classified scraper. If those are not enough for your use case, you can use the Crawling API instead to easily scrape the web, where you can start working in minutes thanks to the easy-to-use API and simple integration with your favorite language and framework.

Benefits of Using Scraper API for Structured Data

Structured data extraction is an important aspect of web data harvesting, and using Scraper API enhances this process with various benefits. Let’s see how data enrichment with Scraper API can be efficient and reliable.

Efficiency in Data Extraction

Structured data extraction often involves navigating through complex web structures, handling dynamic content, and overcoming anti-scraping measures. Scraper API streamlines this process with unbeatable efficiency.

  • Dynamic Page Rendering: Scraper API offers headless browser rendering capabilities, ensuring that JavaScript-rendered content is effectively captured. This capability enables the extraction of dynamic and interactive data elements smoothly.
  • Reduced Latency: Scraper API’s distributed proxy network minimizes delays by providing geographically diverse IP addresses. This optimization results in faster response times, enhancing the overall speed of automated data collection.
  • Optimized Resource Usage: With Scraper API, users can offload the computational burden of data extraction to the API’s infrastructure. This efficient resource utilization allows for smoother and more scalable scraping operations.

Ensuring Data Accuracy and Reliability

Data accuracy is supreme in decision-making processes and analytics. Data enrichment with Scraper API delivering accurate and reliable structured data.

  • Consistent Structured Output: Scraper API structured data comes in a standardized format, ensuring consistency in output. This uniformity simplifies data processing and analysis, reducing the likelihood of errors in downstream applications.
  • Quality Assurance Measures: Scraper API uses a diverse pool of high-quality proxies, minimizing the impact of IP blocking and ensuring continuous access to target websites. This reliability contributes to dependable and automated data collection.
  • Error Handling Capabilities: Scraper API includes robust error handling mechanisms, allowing users to identify and address issues promptly. This proactive approach enhances the overall reliability of the data extraction process.

Scalability and Flexibility for Diverse Datasets

Structured data extraction requirements can vary widely, from small-scale projects to extensive enterprise-level operations. Scraper API caters to this diversity by offering scalability and flexibility.

  • Scalable Infrastructure: Scraper API’s infrastructure is designed to scale easily, accommodating increased data extraction demands. Users can easily adjust their subscription plans to align with the evolving scale of their projects.
  • Adaptable to Varied Use Cases: Whether extracting product details, monitoring market trends, or gathering competitive intelligence, Scraper API is adaptable to diverse use cases. Its versatility makes it suitable for businesses across various industries.
  • Customizable Requests: Scraper API allows users to customize requests, designing the automated data collection process to meet specific project requirements. This flexibility lets users extract precisely the data they need.

Businesses and developers use Scraper API to gain a competitive edge by using automated data collection methods for informed decision-making and strategic insights.

Importance of High-Quality Datasets

For data-driven decision-making, the quality of datasets is important in influencing the efficacy of machine learning models and analytical insights. Let’s talk about enhancing datasets using web scraping and scraper API structured data.We will also shed light on its profound impacts on machine learning and analysis domains.

The Role of Scraper API Structured Data in Dataset Quality

  • Precision and Consistency: Scraper API structured data imposes a well-defined framework on information, ensuring precision and consistency across the dataset. This organized structure minimizes errors, discrepancies, and ambiguity, contributing to the overall quality.
  • Ease of Integration: A collection of data in a structured format simplifies the integration of disparate datasets. When datasets adhere to a common schema, the process of merging and aggregating information becomes seamless, enhancing the completeness and relevance of the dataset.
  • Facilitating Data Cleaning: Cleaning and pre-processing are integral steps in dataset preparation. Structured data, with its organized format, helps clean effectively by identifying and rectifying inconsistencies, outliers, and missing values.
  • Enhanced Data Retrieval: A well-structured dataset enhances data retrieval efficiency. Database queries and searches become precise and quicker, streamlining access to relevant information for analytical purposes.
  • Supporting Data Governance: Scraper API structured data aligns with principles of data governance. Defined structures make it easier to establish and enforce data quality standards, ensuring compliance, security, and accountability in data management practices.

Impacts of Scraper API Structured Data on Machine Learning and Analysis

  • Improved Model Training: Machine learning models thrive on quality data for effective training. Structured datasets provide the necessary foundation, providing clear patterns and relationships for models to learn, resulting in more accurate predictions and classifications.
  • Enhanced Feature Engineering: Feature engineering, an important aspect of machine learning, benefits from the structure inherent in the dataset. Engineers can derive meaningful features by using the organized nature of scraper API structured data, contributing to model performance.
  • Reduced Bias and Error Rates: The neat and detailed nature of structured data reduces biases and error rates in machine learning models. By maintaining consistency and precision, structured datasets contribute to the developing fair and reliable models.
  • Facilitating Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Scraper API structured data simplifies the process of exploratory data analysis. Analysts can gather trends and patterns more efficiently when working with well-organized datasets, accelerating the decision-making process.
  • Enabling Predictive Analytics: Predictive analytics relies on historical patterns and trends. Structured data, with its organized historical records, empowers predictive modeling, allowing organizations to anticipate future trends and make proactive decisions.

Common Challenges and Solutions in Structured Data Extraction

One of the main challenges faced by any robot crawling and scraping websites is the robot detection tools implemented by websites, such as detecting the time and the number of requests done from one single IP, CAPTCHAs, password access to data, and honeypot traps. The Scraper API is designed to solve this problem.

Let’s briefly understand these common issues to optimize structured data extraction processes.

Inconsistent Website Structure

  • Challenge: Websites may undergo structural changes, leading to variations in the arrangement of data.
  • Solution: Regularly update and adapt scraping scripts to accommodate changes in website structures. Implement dynamic element identification techniques to enhance flexibility.

Dynamic Content Loading

  • Challenge: Some websites load data dynamically using JavaScript, posing difficulties for traditional scraping methods.
  • Solution: Utilize headless browser automation or employ tools that can render JavaScript to capture dynamically loaded content effectively.

Captcha and Anti-Scraping Measures

  • Challenge: Websites deploy captchas and anti-scraping mechanisms to deter automated data extraction.
  • Solution: Integrate captcha-solving services or utilize rotating proxies to mitigate IP blocking. Implement delays between requests to emulate human-like behavior.

Large Volumes of Data

  • Challenge: Extracting large datasets can strain resources and lead to inefficiencies.
  • Solution: Optimize data extraction scripts for efficiency. Implement pagination techniques to navigate through large datasets systematically.

Handling Session-Based Authentication

  • Challenge: Accessing data behind user authentication systems requires managing sessions effectively.
  • Solution: Incorporate session management techniques, such as sending authenticated cookies with requests. Scraper API offers session management features for streamlined authentication handling.

Troubleshooting Guide for Users Implementing Scraper API

Every developer encounters twists and turns, and that’s where our troubleshooting guide comes in handy. In this short but essential read, we’ll guide you to overcome hurdles, ensuring a smooth experience as you use Scraper API:

API Key Authentication Issues

  • Issue: Users may encounter difficulties with API key authentication.
  • Solution: Ensure correct API key usage, check for typos, and confirm that the API key is valid and associated with the account. Refer to Scraper API documentation for comprehensive key-related guidance.

Response Parsing Challenges

  • Issue: Parsing structured data from API responses may present challenges.
  • Solution: Review and adjust parsing strategies, considering the structure of the returned JSON data. Utilize online tools for JSON formatting to enhance readability and identify key-value pairs.

Rate Limiting Concerns

  • Issue: Users may face rate-limiting restrictions on API requests.
  • Solution: Adhere to the rate limits specified by Scraper API. Implement request throttling and consider adjusting the subscription plan for higher rate limits based on usage needs.

Proxy Configuration Issues

  • Issue: Improper proxy configuration can lead to connectivity problems.
  • Solution: Verify proxy settings in the scraping script or application. Ensure the proxy pool is configured correctly and compatible with Scraper API requirements.

Handling JavaScript Rendering

  • Issue: Users scraping pages with dynamic content loaded via JavaScript may encounter rendering challenges.
  • Solution: Opt for Scraper API’s premium plan, which includes headless browser rendering capabilities. This ensures the effective capture of dynamically loaded content.

Bottom Line!

In summary, the Scraper API is a reliable tool for web scraping. The classified scraping engines for various e-commerce websites and the generic data parsers will help your application be ready to work with scraped data out of the box.