Crawling and scrape LinkedIn public pages.
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Sometimes your project or your company requires to automatically check your Linkedin company profile or your competitors. Likewise your company might require to automate the recruiting process and looking for great developers or marketers in Linkedin. For this purpose you require to scrape Linkedin pages regularly. Automating the process saves your company quality time and money.

Linkedin uses an advanced bot detection technology and presents your automation tool with authwalls, they are pages that ask you to login or signup and forbid you from viewing the public content that is valuable for your project. At that point your process cycle stops and you will require good proxies that are not blocked by Linkedin. That can become tiresome, expensive or prone to errors.
At Crawlbase we let you focus on your business needs and stop your worry about data crawling and scraping. Our crawling engines and API are powered with an artificial intelligence system that is designed to rescue your project from the lack of data which makes your company growth slower.

Secure your project from LinkedIn auth walls
Scrape LinkedIn public pages while remaining anonymous and avoiding the auth walls using our network of worldwide proxies.
Get candidates and company data for your marketing or recruiting projects without worrying about rotating proxies or infrastructure.

Scrape LinkedIn profiles worldwide
You are not restricted to You can crawl any subdomain (au. de. ru. etc.) and scrape Linkedin profiles and job details.
Find candidates worldwide and scan their profiles, their previous jobs, skills, and expertise. We will ensure that your data always remains fresh, regardless of your server's location.
Easy-to-use API for LinkedIn companies and profiles
Scrape LinkedIn public pages in minutes, thanks to the Crawling API and Crawler that is exclusively built for scraping.
We provide you with the API endpoint, and you make requests to it. That is all nothing else is required.
Sign up now and get your token to make your first API request and crawl LinkedIn URLs with just a simple cURL request:

Sign up with Crawlbase now!
We are here to make the internet accessible for everyone. Our goal is to provide the data freedom you deserve.

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Your first 1000 requests are free of charge,Sign up now

Simple pricing
Pay-as-you-go pricing with no hidden fees.

No long-term contracts
It is your account and you decide when to stop, can be canceled at any time.

Need more help?
You can check our FAQ section or send us an email at [email protected]
Used by the world’s most innovative businesses – big and small

Supporting all kinds of crawling projects
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Start crawling and scraping the web today
Create a free account and then apply from the dashboard.