We often find it helpful to send emails and letters to more than one person at a time, such as emails to seniors, promotional emails, marketing campaigns etc. If your list of recipients exceeds two or three names, there might be questions like how to address two people in an email. What is the proper way to address them?

When communicating internally or during cold emailing, you should treat others as you would like to receive therefore, It is imperative to learn how to write an email addressing multiple people to establish a professional reputation. Here is a guide on formatting an email or letter for multiple recipients. We will provide step-by-step instructions, and valuable tips, for you to follow as you write your professional correspondence. Our tips will assist you when you are looking for the solution to how to address two people in an email?

How to write an email addressed to two persons?

When writing an email to two people, it is seen as quite difficult in terms of how to address them so that both of them feel respected and involved. We have gathered a few suggestions that will help you address two persons in an email.

Let us make it easy for you by sharing some tips that will help you in addressing multiple people in an email.

  • If you are addressing two people in an email while writing a business email, you need to be aware of the salutation in addition to the subject line of the email. If you’re unsure of how to address two people in an email, it’s best to include both recipients’ names in the greeting, such as “Dear John and Jane,” to ensure they both feel acknowledged and included in the correspondence.
  • If you are writing to friends, you can use their first name or their full name, such as “Hi John,” “Hi Jane,” or even “Hey.”
  • If you are addressing multiple people, then email greeting should be “Good morning,” “Good noon,” or “Good evening”.
  • You should use the formal titles Mr., Mrs., and Ms. followed by the last name of coworkers or colleagues. When writing an email, you can address it to “Mr Jack Smith” or “Ms. Jane,” or you can use formal titles like “Dr.”, “Prof.” or “Rev.”

How do you address an email to more than 2 people or a group?

If you are writing an email to more than two people, it can be more difficult than addressing two people thus, it is best to keep their names consistent throughout the message by using their full names and making sure to greet them properly.

For example, if you want to send an email to a group of people in a Marketing department. You can greet them by writing ‘Hello Marketing Department’ or ‘Hello Marketing Team’. If you want to address managers in your organization you can write ‘Hello Managing Department’ or ‘Hello Managing Team’.

You can address multiple people using just their names, but first, you must check their profiles and find their titles. Then you can directly address each recipient by their name, for example, “Dear John, Josh, and Dr. Smith.” You can also use common and generic salutations like “Greetings Team”, and “Dear Colleagues”, etc. Moreover, you can use the carbon copy (CC) feature, which allows everyone to see each other’s contact details.

The Do’s and Don’ts


  • Use a clear and descriptive subject line and be specific to write what the email is about.
  • Greet your recipients respectfully.
  • Always be polite when asking for something. Always say “Thank you” and “Please.”
  • Include your signature with your email and contact number, so the recipient doesn’t have to search for your, email or phone number. Set it up to appear by default at the end of each email.
  • Refine your content with an AI content rewriter.
  • Always proofread your email and check for any grammatical or spelling errors.


  • Don’t write a lengthy and detailed emails
  • Avoid using humor and CAPs
  • Do not “reply to all” unless your response is appropriate for group sharing.
  • Do not add all of the recipients in To“ and “Cc”, many people do not want their email addresses to be shared with other people. To avoid that use Blind-copy (Bcc) feature, which lets you show a single address.

Send an email to multiple recipients without them knowing

ending an email without letting your recipients know is not considered appropriate. However, if you are sending newsletters using email newsletter software or making announcements, then obviously you cannot share the details of every person, and it’s important to respect the privacy and confidentiality of individuals.

But you can send emails to multiple recipients without them knowing. Here is how:

Use of Bcc

There is an option while adding recipients “Blind Carbon Copy” which lets you add multiple people, but their identities will be hidden from each other.

Focus on Greeting

Now, you can address recipients as “Hello Partner”, “Dear Sir/Madam”, or “Hi There”. This creates the impression that the recipient is only one person, but actually, it’s not. If you are addressing a group of people who are, then you should use a plural greeting like “Hello team” or “Hi folks”.

Strengthen your Email Body

Now, make sure your email body is clear, concise, and to the point, with a clear goal and structure. When possible, use bullet points to break down lengthy points. Make sure that your email has a professional tone of voice, is error-free, and is to the point and readable.A quick & easy solution to ensure all these elements in the email is by passing it through an AI summarizer. It will quickly eliminate all the extra details from the email copy and provide a clear and concise version.

How do you address multiple seniors in an email?

Simply with manners, respect, and etiquette, however, there are situations where you need to handle people who are older than you differently according to the matter of time.

For instance, your tone of writing naturally changes to one of respect if you are sending an email to managers or senior management. However, don’t be overly obedient. You can ask questions or queries about fields in which you are not familiar or have expertise, get proper information for their response to your emails. Most importantly keep good attitude while addressing your seniors.

Pro Tip: Never Cc your employer as he is aware of everything and your emails can only clog his email inbox.

How do you address a letter to two or many recipients?

Addressing two or multiple recipients in a letter can be even more trickier than emails, as emails are short and brief. But, letter requires attention and consideration to avoid mistakes. Moreover, you must have the clarification about the address or salutation. It is considered effective to use the some formats while addressing multiple recipients. Here is a format you can use when writing a formal letter to multiple recipients.

  • Address

You can either write your address or use the letterhead of your company. Dates should appear after the sender’s address, Followed by the recipient’s address. You can type two addresses side by side or one on top of the other if your letter addresses two recipients. However, typing all of the recipients’ addresses might make your letter appear unappealing if you have three or more recipients. In this situation, it is best to omit the addresses.

  • Subject

Your letter’s subject line must be concise and clear so that the recipients may determine what the letter is going to be about just by looking at it.

  • Salutation/Greeting

It is best to start with “Dear,” followed by their titles and names, and conclude with a colon when addressing fewer than five individuals. For example, Dear Ms Grace, Mr John, and Dr Mark:
In the case of a letter to a team at work, you may use a general salutation—for example, Dear Administrative Department, Dear Publicity Department.
It is best to use a general salutation when addressing a large group of people. For instance, When you want to send a memo to your clients or users or address your colleagues at work. The ideal salutation is Greetings, Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends.

  • Body

Use general terms to address a group.

Stick to simple sentences so that everyone understands your message since you’re addressing many people.

Make sure you present accurate information to your audience by checking your facts.

Keep your tone professional and formal when addressing multiple people.

  • Closing

Close your letter with the proper complementary ending phrases, such as “Yours faithfully” or “Sincerely,” following  by your position and last name.

How do you greet someone in an email with 3 people?

To greet someone in an email with three people is easy just follow the tips below:

  • Use their full names
  • Include their titles
  • You can greet them with their designation if they are in your organization
  • If you and everyone else know them already then don’t use titles.
  • Maintain consistency in an email format.
  • Be respectful and professional.

Keep in mind that the end goal is to treat everyone with respect and a polite tone.

How do I start an email to many recipients?

You should find email addresses of recipients and start the email by wishing them a good day and mentioning their first name once in the body of the email, then by their titles. After that, add a comma and separate each following name. In email body, explain the email’s purpose clearly and precisely. Being clear and concise will help recipients understand the context right away. Follow proper email etiquette when sending emails. Always use complete sentences and make sure your spelling and punctuation are correct, especially in business emails. Additionally, You can refer to how to address two people in an email for further details about writing the entire email.

Pro Tip: Be careful not to convey anger or frustration through your choice of words the recipient will be able to discern that anger or frustration through your message.

For Example:

Hello everyone,

To all department heads,


[Purpose] such as: This email is to inform you about the new company policy regarding remote work.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

How to greet multiple recipients in a formal email?

When addressing more than one person, it is normal to be worried about how to greet two or more people in an email, which may be for business, casual, or other reasons. But a simple “Dear Sir(s)” , “Respected Sir(s)”, or “Respected Managers”, always works. However, you must show some extra respect to people who are senior in the position. After that, you must define your tone of writing, which depends on your relationship and connection with the person to whom you are sending emails.

Pro Tip: Never send emojis or stickers in the email, regardless of your connection or the nature of the email.

If you’re addressing a large group, you can use ‘Dear Team’ or general words to cater to everyone as your salutation. If you are sending an email reply, use a salutation in the first reply. It is no longer necessary to use a salutation after the first reply.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when you address your email to multiple recipients:

It is never wrong to use Dear

It is always the right approach to use, Dear. In contrast, using Hi for formal purposes is considered impolite. When addressing a group, you can use “Hi, Hi All, Hi Team, Hi Everyone, etc.

If you are writing a formal email, you should use formal greetings such as Dear Coworker, Dear Colleague, etc. This method is safer for addressing one or many people, as you will refer to them directly.

The salutation is for all

You may have three, four, or more recipients. It is okay to use Dear Mr. Jon, Mr. Doe, and Mr. Smith for your recipients if they have the same specific content in the email. But, when you are addressing multiple individuals, it would be quite difficult for you to address them all at once. It is only feasible to fill up part of the page with the names of each individual you are addressing. It is possible to use a friend, team, colleague, or other replacement instead.

For example, if you are addressing a team of developers, you will address them as a Hello Team, or Hello Dev Team. For example, you can address a formal letter to “Mr. John and the team “.


Without a doubt, email is a remarkable medium for communication and information sharing internally and externally for a variety of purposes, There are several other ways businesses can utilize emails, including inbound prospecting, email marketing strategies, and promotional campaigns.

However, addressing two or more individuals in an email can be a little challenging. However, by following the easy tips we’ve provided in this blog, you can learn how to address two or more people in an email so everyone feels involved and respected.