# Response
When doing a request to Scraper API you'll get a JSON response.
This object contains the scraped data and other detailed information about the status of your request. Read response body for all the information.
GET 'https://api.crawlbase.com/scraper?token=_USER_TOKEN_&url=https://www.amazon.com/Apple-MacBook-13-inch-256GB-Storage/dp/B07S5QWM6L'
"original_status": 200,
"pc_status": 200,
"remaining_requests": 125279,
"url": "https://www.amazon.com/Apple-MacBook-13-inch-256GB-Storage/dp/B07S5QWM6L",
"body": { "name": "New Apple MacBook Pro (13-inch, 8GB RAM, 256GB Storage) - Silver", "price": "$1,689.41", "canonicalUrl": "https://www.amazon.com/Apple-MacBook-13-inch-256GB-Storage/dp/B07S5QWM6L", "isPrime": false, "inStock": true..other scraped data }
# Response body
The response body will contain the following fields.
# url
The original url that was sent in the request or the url of the redirect that Crawlbase followed.
# original_status
The status response that we (Crawlbase) receive when crawling the url sent in the request.
It can be any valid http status code.
Please note that Crawlbase only charges requests that are of original_status
success (200, 201, 204), permanent redirect (301), temporary redirect (302) if the follow redirect returned content,
not found (410, 404). And when pc_status
is 200. Any other original_status
codes received will not be charged.
# pc_status
The Crawlbase (pc) status code can be any status code andit's the code that ends up being valid.
For example, a website might return original_status
200 with a captcha, in that case, pc_status
will be 503.
Please note that requests made to Crawlbase that ends up having an unsuccessful pc_status
code (so different than 200) won't be charged.
# remaining_requests
The number of requests that are left in your subscription plan. If you run out of credits, please upgrade your subscription or contact support.
# body
An object with scraped data of the page that you requested. The object structure varies depending on the URL that you sent.